
Woman lying in bed with pillow on face and glasses in hand

Sleep consultation and sleep analysis

Sleep advice: How to sleep better and strengthen your health with sleep analysis

Sleep counselling is a professional discussion geared to individual needs, in which aspects of sleep disorders are identified in a solution-oriented manner and the optimal ergonomics of mattress and bed system are determined. Good sleep is indispensable and central to health - physical, mental and spiritual. Nevertheless, sleep is too often neglected by most people.

Sleep disorders: Causes of poor sleep

Sleep disorders manifest themselves in many ways and are complex in their causes. Almost 40 % of Germans are affected by sleep disorders. The following aspects play a role:

  • Hardness of the mattress
  • Brightness of the room
  • Bed system
  • Eyes on the screen before bedtime
  • Late evening meal
  • Jet lag
  • Shift work

The sleep counsellor can provide information and tips, but is not allowed to treat the problem. In most cases, medical treatment is not even necessary, as everyday adjustments can often remedy the problem. The solution often lies in a change of lifestyle, the ability to cope with stress and a healthy diet. Surprisingly often, the solution to the problem lies in changing supposedly small things - for example, buying a new, good mattress. As soon as medical problems are involved, the sleep counsellor must refer to medical help. Medical treatment by the sleep counsellor is not permitted. Sleep disorders that require medical attention can be:

  • Nightmares:
    In itself, a normal and healthy reaction of the body to inner conflicts. In the case of several regular nightmares a week, psychotherapy should be sought.
  • Narcolepsy:
    With the disease, sufferers can suddenly fall asleep from one moment to the next - involuntarily and without warning. The problem stems from a lack of an important neurotransmitter that regulates the sleep/wake rhythm. The disease cannot be cured and can only be controlled with medication.
  • Insomnia:
    Around five million Germans suffer from insomnia. Those affected cannot fall asleep even when they are tired and should first consult a doctor in any case. However, in many cases, simple changes offer the solution: a good mattress, relaxation techniques, plenty of rest and darkness in the room.
  • Sleep deprivation syndrome:
    Those who sleep too little too often develop a chronic condition, which manifests itself in irritability, concentration problems and reduced performance and can eventually lead to burn-out syndrome.
  • Kleine-Levin syndrome:
    Sufferers have an extreme need for sleep (hypersomnia) and can sometimes sleep for up to 20 hours at a time - for days on end. These phases can last for 2 weeks and recur at irregular intervals of years.
  • Sleep apnoea:
    In apnoea, breathing regularly stops during sleep; the failure can last up to 2 minutes. In the long term, the sufferer is at risk of heart attack, oxygen deprivation, mental impairment and stroke. Overweight people are most affected, as fat in the throat area is often the culprit for respiratory impairments. The obvious and most sustainable treatment is weight loss and exercise. Oxygen equipment should at best only serve as a transition.

More sleep disorders:

  • Sleepwalking:
    About three million people in Germany are affected by sleepwalking. The brain activates the muscles, but not the consciousness. Medication is the exception rather than the rule.
  • Restless Legs Syndrome:
    Two million people in Germany are affected; the affected person feels an unpleasant tingling or biting sensation in the lower legs, which is often due to a lack of dopamine or iron. The solution can be dietary supplements that contain the necessary substances in highly concentrated form.

What is important in sleep analysis?

What is a sleep analysis? A sleep analysis is the qualitative and possibly also quantifiable evaluation of a person's sleep behaviour in order to identify possible problems and treat them with appropriate measures.

Sleep counselling is often underestimated in its importance: the problem generally lies in a disregard for or too little awareness of sleep. After all, humans spend about a third of their lives sleeping; but in the achieving society, sleep almost seems like wasted time. However, those who realise that sleep not only serves the necessary regeneration, but potentially also significantly increases individual performance, will be able to use an often underestimated correlation for themselves. Investing in personal sleep quality increases the quality of life, gives individuals a head start in their performance and has an overall positive effect on the energy balance of a society. Good sleep increases productivity and provides individual advantages. Therefore, it is worthwhile to have a sleep consultation that focuses on personal needs and demands in order to determine the optimal framework conditions and measures.

Sleep quality is directly related to health; poor sleep is detrimental to health. Sleep disorders initiate a chain of causes and symptoms that have a far-reaching effect on the waking state in everyday life. Therefore, a qualitative examination of one's own sleep is correct and important in order to prevent disturbances, to recognise potential moments of stress and to improve the current situation. The corresponding measures can concern nutrition as well as the mattress and are considered holistically during sleep counselling in order to determine an optimally coordinated concept.

Sleep analysis: What is normal?

And what is healthy sleep? Poor sleep with a cold or in the face of an important presentation the next day is normal. If you are agitated, you are slow to find rest - if at all. However, as soon as the excitement or illness-related disturbances develop into a regular rhythm or chronic insomnia, professional advice is needed. Deep sleep is the most important for humans, as this is where the actual regeneration takes place. The immune system is dependent on this sleep phase; if it is impaired, this has long-term consequences for the general health of the person concerned. Normal, healthy and good sleep means getting into the deep sleep phase in order to wake up the next morning clearly rested.

What are the stages of sleep?

And what do healthy sleep phases look like? Sleep analysis distinguishes between five stages of sleep, which are also called sleep phases. Each sleep stage is recorded and defined with the help of the EMG (muscle activity), the EOG (eye movements) and the EEG (brain wave activity). Using these measurement techniques, the following 5 sleep stages can be recognised and distinguished from each other:

  1. The falling-asleep stage:
    In a healthy sleeper, the stage of falling asleep begins within a few minutes. This phase can also be described colloquially as "dozing".
  2. The light sleep:
    The eyes are closed and the eyelids are still. This phase marks the beginning of sleep. The human organism shields itself from the outside world and muscle activity is reduced to the minimum.
  3. Deep Sleep Part 1:
    Low blood pressure, relaxed muscles, slow breathing and a calm heartbeat characterise this phase. The human body is running on "economy flame".
  4. The Deep Sleep Part 2:
    The body regenerates and produces a particularly large amount of growth hormones. The deep sleep phase can last up to one hour.
  5. REM sleep: In this phase, the person begins to dream intensively - this stage is also called dream sleep. Breathing, heartbeat and blood pressure increase again, but also become irregular. This phase is especially important for mental recovery.

Sleep disturbance due to environment: Which factors affect sleep?

Often the findings seem too trivial for the person concerned, but a frequent result of the sleep analysis stems from the wrong mattress or an unadjusted bed system. The sleeping surface is decisive for the feeling of lying down. The ergonomic requirements of the mattress are essentially defined by the degree of firmness. Every person finds a certain degree of firmness in a mattress comfortable. The human body needs support during sleep that corresponds to its body structure and is adapted to personal needs, because the muscles become weakened during sleep; this is why people wake up tense if the surface is uncomfortable.

If you have to continuously twist and contort yourself during the night to find a comfortable sleeping position, you are making the wrong bed. A mattress with optimal body support should support and at the same time relieve the spine. On average, people change their posture 30 to 60 times during sleep. If the mattress cannot efficiently cushion and absorb the movements, the body is challenged to compensate and thus its recovery is disturbed. If the mattress is too soft or too hard, or even too small or the material is perceived as uncomfortable, this has a direct effect on the quality of sleep.

Every person is different and built differently. There is no one right mattress for everyone. Which mattress is best for the individual sleeper depends on health aspects, preferred sleeping positions, body weight and much more. The sleep advisory service can give you advice on finding the right mattress.

Flexible and without obligation: Test my customisable mattress

We offer you a customisable mattress that meets your needs. You can vary the degree of firmness or the body support according to your sensations. In order to best assess the lying feeling and the effects on the quality of sleep, you should test the mattress over a longer period of time - within your own four walls. You can only get an objective impression of the ergonomics of the mattress after prolonged everyday use. If you are still not convinced by the sleep system, you can return the mattress within 100 days. You don't have to worry about anything, just place the order with us.

Tips for falling asleep: Health and fitness

Not only the duration of sleep, but also the quality of sleep determines how refreshed you wake up the next morning. Here are a few tips on aspects that can have an impact on sleep quality:

  • Natural materials:
    Whether virgin wool or Tencel - natural materials have a positive influence on the sleeping climate, as they can store heat or wick moisture away from the body, for example. Synthetic products, on the other hand, can have a negative effect on the bed climate.
  • Darken the bedroom:
    A bright environment activates consciousness and signals time of day.
  • Proper nutrition:
    You should neither go to bed with a full nor an empty stomach. Alcohol can also disturb your sleep. Do not take a midday nap: If you sleep during the day, you reduce your need for sleep at night. However, everyone needs a certain amount of sleep to feel fit.
  • No sweaty exercise before bedtime:
    One might think that physical exertion in any case increases the subsequent tiredness. However, sport activates the body and delays the process of relaxation.
  • Only go to bed when you are tired:
    Klingt eigentlich zu simpel; es bringt aber nichts, sich hellwach im Bett zu wälzen. Nehme stattdessen ein Bad, höre entspannende Musik oder mache einen kleinen Spaziergang.
  • Do not watch TV or look at your mobile phone just before going to bed:
    The bright screen activates their consciousness. It takes all the longer for their brain to shut down again - possibly preventing your own deep sleep phase.

Baby sleep advice:

Another important aspect that we do not cover with our services is sleep counselling for babies and toddlers. The constellation of parents and children in dealing with sleep, exhaustion and emotion should not be underestimated. The goal here must also be a sustainable waking and sleeping rhythm through the development of an active parent-child bond and corresponding action strategies. The aim is not only to advise the parents, but ultimately to strengthen the child's competences. For this purpose, there are social pedagogues and therapists specialised in the field.

Health Sleep analysis: via Health App, with the fitness wristband or other devices?

How are the sleep phases measured? And how does sleep analysis work with the Health app or a fitness wristband? There are now many trackers and devices for sleep measurement and health optimisation that seem to turn the user into a sleep physician. But is the digital measurement of sleep phases and heart rates effective? First of all, fitness wristbands and apps cannot measure sleep quality. However, as "sleep analysis devices" they can record interesting information that serves as indicators for self-interpretation - for example, the number and duration of waking phases. In no case can the fitness or sleep app help with sleep disorders - we recommend seeking medical advice in this case. In fact, wearables do provide interesting data, but these would have to be collected as part of long-term observations and evaluated by experts in sleep medicine. Point measurements, on the other hand, cannot depict holistic findings.

The sleep analysis: Conveniently to the best result

We advise you individually and give you tips and general information on the subject of sleep. We will also be happy to introduce you to our COSY mattress system, which is designed for individual comfort and personal ergonomics.